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日期:2015-09-15 09:33:48 来源:

宋继伟,工学博士、山东大学热科学与工程研究中心(高等技术研究院)副教授、研究生导师,欧洲核子研究中心访问学者,是东营科技创新发展智库专家,作为山东省热科学创新团队核心成员,荣获山东省集体一等功。曾任《ENERGIESSpecial Issue "Advances in Combined Heat and Power Systems" Guest Editor

长期从事强化传热与节能减排技术、新型能源系统优化、网源储协调策略、可再生能源消纳策略、二氧化碳捕集等领域研究,作为主要学术骨干参与了国际大科学工程AMS项目、国家973计划高能耗行业典型换热设备节能的先进理论与方法研究、国家973计划工业余热利用的换热设备多目标函数设计新理论与新方法;近年来,先后主持了国家重点实验室开放课题、山东省自然科学基金项目、山东省科技攻关项目、电力行业项目16项;出版著作2部,在《Science China Technological Sciences》、《Physical Review Letters》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Journal of Molecular Liquids》、《Case Studies in Thermal Engineering》、《Physics Reports》、《Physical Review Letters》等顶级学术期刊、重要学术会议发表论文80余篇,其中多篇论文为高被引论文。曾获中国电力企业联合会颁发的技术创新奖二等奖1项,山东省电力科协和山东省电联颁发的技术成果奖二等奖1项。指导本科生参加力诺瑞特杯山东省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛项目古窑新生新型陶瓷梭式窑余热利用节能减排系统,获一等奖。


1. 国际科学工程:阿尔法磁谱仪,热系统成员,2004-至今

2. 国家973计划:高能耗行业典型换热设备节能的先进理论与方法,2007-2011

3. 国家973计划:工业余热利用的换热设备多目标函数设计新理论与新方法,2012-2017

4. 山东省科技发展计划重大项目:AMS02热系统研究与设计,2009-2011

5. 国家重点实验室课题:有机疏水膜制备及其在新型膜冷凝过程应用, 项目负责人,2019-2021

6. 省自然科学基金:国际空间站环境大型粒子探测设备热控技术, 项目负责人,2021-2023

7. 省科技攻关计划:先进换热设备的产业化实施, 项目负责人,2009-2012

8. 山东电力研究院:多类型供热机组耦合下全厂调峰能力优化研究, 项目负责人,2020-2021

9. 山东能源项目子课题:超临界机组供暖季一次调频性能提升, 项目负责人,2020-2022

10.华能项目子课题:超临界火电机组一次调频性能评价与分析, 项目负责人,2019-2021

11.华能项目子课题:火电机组调整机理研究与应用,  项目负责人,2021-2023

12.国网项目:核电机组供热综合利用及参与电网调峰模式, 项目负责人,2022-2023

13.国网项目:多类型电源时空互补特性及协同运行调度策略, 项目负责人,2023-2024

14.横向课题:机组热电协同调度机制能力提升研究, 项目负责人,2023-2025

15.横向课题:太阳能光热电站数据分析, 项目负责人,2024-2026

16.国网项目:煤电机组顶峰能力挖掘提升技术及顶峰激励机制研究, 项目负责人,2024-2025


1. 走进能源王国.山东科技出版社,副主编

2. 能量之源.山东科技出版社,副主编


1. Study of Load Adjustment Strategy for Nuclear Power Units Focusing on Rankine Cycle: Flexibility–Environment–Economy. Energies.2024,17(6),1357. IF:3.2 通讯作者

2. Integration of compressed air energy storage into combined heat and power plants: A solution to flexibility and economy. Energy Conversion and Management.2023,290:117215. IF:10.4 通讯作者

3. Performance assessment of the novel coal-fired combined heat and power plant integrating with flexibility renovations. Energy, 2023, 263:125886. IF:8.857 通讯作者

4. Properties of Cosmic-Ray Sulfur and Determination of the Composition of Primary Cosmic-Ray Carbon, Neon, Magnesium, and Sulfur: Ten-Year Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. Physical Review Letters, 2023,130(21):211002, IF:9.185 共同第一

5. Temporal Structures in Positron Spectra and Charge-Sign Effects in Galactic Cosmic Rays. Physical Review Letters, 2023,131(15):151002, IF:9.185 共同第一

6. Temporal Structures in Electron Spectra and Charge Sign Effects in Galactic Cosmic Rays. Physical Review Letters.2023,130(16),161001, IF:9.185 共同第一

7. Combined heat and power plants integrated with steam turbine renovations: Optimal dispatch for maximizing the consumption of renewable energy. Energy Conversion and Management 258(2022)115561. IF:11.533 通讯作者

8. Analysis of economy, energy efficiency, environment: A case study of the CHP system with both civil and industrial heat users. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,30(2022) 101768, IF:6.268 通讯作者

9. Primary frequency regulation capacity enhancement of CHP units: Control strategy combining high pressure valve adjustment and heating extraction steam adjustment. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 35(2022) 101768, IF:6.268 通讯作者

10. Molecular simulation study on the separation of CO2 and N2 in poly(4 methyl-1-pentene) membrane. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 359 (2022) 119376, IF:6.633 通讯作者

11. Optimal Dispatch of Multi-Type CHP Units Integrated with Flexibility Renovations for Renewable Energy Accommodation. Energies, 15(2022) 7166, IF:3.252 通讯作者

12. SteamWater Modelling and the CoalSaving Scheduling Strategy of Combined Heat and Power Systems. Energies, 15(2022) 141, IF:3.252 通讯作者

13. Properties of Daily Helium Fluxes. Physical Review Letters, 128 (2022) 231102, IF: 9.185共同第一

14. Simulation of water recovery in membrane condenser dehumidification process. Applied Thermal Engineering193(2021)117018, IF:6.465 通讯作者

15. Peak shaving and heat supply flexibility of thermal power plants. Applied Thermal Engineering 193(2021)117030, IF:6.465 通讯作者

16. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the international space station: PartII-Results from the first seven years. Physics Reports 894 (2021) 1-116, IF:25.6 共同第一

17. Properties of Iron Primary Cosmic Rays: Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. Physical Review Letters 126(2021),041101, IF:9.185 共同第一

18. Effects of the rotation of International Space Station main radiator on suppressing thermal anomaly of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer caused by flight attitude adjustment. Applied Thermal Engineering,171(2020)115100, IF:6.465 通讯作者

19. Thermal analysis on Alpha Magnetic spectrometer main radiators under the flight attitude adjustment of International Space Station. Applied Thermal Engineering, 164(2020), 114457, IF:6.465通讯作者

20. Numerical investigation on the thermal performance of Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer main radiators under the operation of International Space Station. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications,2020,77(5): 538-558, IF:2.569 通讯作者

21. Experimental study and analysis of a novel multi-media plate heat exchanger. Science China-Technological Science.2012,55(8):2157-2162, IF:4.7 第一作者

22. Theoretical Analysis of a Method for Segmented Heat Exchanger Design. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011,56(20):2179-2184, 第一作者



1. 202410242370X. 一种热电机组改造并协同热网的顶峰容量规划方法及系统




联系方式: sjw2002@sdu.edu.cn; 电话:13606416698